About Us

Hello everyone, we are a company born from a strong passion for the gym and sports activities, born 15 years ago having tried and practiced various sports since childhood including kick boxing, swimming, tennis, basketball and then bonding with the world of bodybuilding and physical development with different types of training, from Functional Training, Circuit Training, free body and fitness goals focused on powerlifting, therefore with increase in strength, hypertrophy, definition or simple fat loss. From several years of efforts to spend our time playing sports, we have become personal trainers due to the fact that there is no better thing than to make people change their physique and see their satisfaction with the change of their physique with the weeks and months go by. We then created this company to give everyone the opportunity to practice fitness, thanks to our quality products suitable for both men and women, they are tested and proven to be among the best fitness equipment on the market. An unforgettable shopping experience. The store is waiting for you to make our products yours.

We work around the clock to find, create, manufacture, and ship you the most innovative products. This way you know you are guaranteed to have the coolest things money can buy without spending days researching on your own.
Trust our team of experts to help you stay ahead of the curve, and always be on the cutting edge of technology. Join our product revolution as we continuously challenge what is possible in your life and help bring awesomeness worldwide.
If you have any questions about our products, or if you would like to check the availability of any items, please use the “Contact Us'' page to get in touch.

Our Mission

We want to bring the world's latest quality stuff in sustainable amounts, at the lowest possible cost, and want to see our customers flourish in their endeavors. We want to see our customers happier and healthier, because of our extremely affordable prices.